Global Migration by Origin
source: mpimmg
I found this tool really entertaining and easy to use. You can see how people were migratinf from places all over the world through years- starting from 1960. You can compare migrant patterns of two chosen countries and explore more specyfic data by clicking.
Infographic Shows The Shifting Racial Makeup of L.A
In my opinion this infographic is really beautiful - using colorful dots on a map it clearly shows spacial diversity of L.A citizens. Of course percentage values in left down corners of illustration are also very useful.
This infographic is not really interactive- user can only scale it.
Population estimates in England and Wales 2001-2011 by country of Birth
Using this tool you can compare changes in structure of groups of people selected by country of birth. You can compare two groups as well as compare changes within one group during ten years.
Long-term Migration into and out United Kingdom
People movin- migration flows across the world
The form of this visualization really appeals to me. Quite big disadvantage in my opinion is that we can see only a small part of chart in one moment.