
Research part 3- other interesting and creative interactive data visualizations

Here are some samples of data visualizations that I found creative and unusual.


Project in data visualization by carlo zapponi and vasundhara parakh

This tool enable user to compare countries with the world, continents and other countries, using indicatiors such as: health, carbon footprint, workplace equality, living standard, population and education. Each of these indicators are placed on one of 6 axis and create a "shape of the area". There are also bar charts which helps to understand data. I think this solution is really interesting. 

2010 Global Migration- Double Paper Pie Chart

project by Alexandra Muresan

Author select top 30 emigration countries and top 30 immigration countries by the numer of people. Other countries are grouped by geographical regions. I like this solution because it shows the connection between immigration and emigration. The craft-kind design is beautiful. Visualizer is easy to navigate- one use sliders and go to the end of the sliders to get more specific data. There are instructions about how to use it. There are bar charts for better data understanding. 

Foreign Domestics - comparison of national and international carriers in domestic flight routes

project by Till Nagel

This infographics is really simplified- each country is represented by white circle and each airport is a black dot. Lines shows available domestic routes between airports and they can be black- for national carriers and red- for international carriers. It becomes visible that in some countries domestic routes are nearly fully operated by national airlines and in some mostly by foreign airlines. It would be also useful to see that larger countries have more domestic connections while smaller don't have any or have just a few. Unfortunately infographics don't show the area of the country, so user have to use one's own knowledge. 

UN Global Pulse – The voices of the vulnerable

project by Alexandra Muresan

This visualization is navigated by horizontal and vertical arrows. Exploring via horizontal arrows user can see the overview of all countries and then data about each country one by one. Exploring via vertical arrows user will get a view of certain issue in all of the countries.